
Patient: MARIA LICHT MRN: AG0001141103
Accession: 152625521 Sex: Female
Date of Exam: 2024-03-28 Physician: KARIN CSEAK

03-28-2024 07:44:37

X-Ray Radiation Dose Report

Concept Modifier: Procedure reported: = Computed Tomography X-ray (P5-08000, SRT)
Concept Modifier: Has Intent: = Diagnostic Intent (R-408C3, SRT)
Observation Context: Observer Type: = Device (121007, DCM)
Observation Context: Device Observer UID: = 153923
Observation Context: Device Observer Name: = "mcmonpt03"
Observation Context: Device Observer Manufacturer: = "SIEMENS"
Observation Context: Device Observer Model Name: = "Biograph16_Horizon 4R"
Observation Context: Device Observer Serial Number: = "153923"
Observation Context: Device Observer Physical Location during observation: = "Akron General"
Observation Context: Start of X-Ray Irradiation: = 2024-03-28 07:33:57
Observation Context: End of X-Ray Irradiation: = 2024-03-28 07:35:37
Observation Context: Scope of Accumulation [Annex 1]

CT Accumulated Dose Data

Total Number of Irradiation Events: 2 {events}

CT Dose Length Product Total: 246.71

CT Acquisition

Acquisition Protocol: Topogram

Target Region: Abdomen (T-D4000, SRT)

CT Acquisition Type: Constant Angle Acquisition (113805, DCM)

Procedure Context: CT without contrast (P5-0808E, SRT)

Irradiation Event UID: 4.30000024032810015390400000003

CT Acquisition Parameters

Exposure Time: 11.04 s

Scanning Length: 1024 mm

Nominal Single Collimation Width: 0.6 mm

Nominal Total Collimation Width: 2.4 mm

Number of X-Ray Sources: 1 {X-Ray sources}

CT X-Ray Source Parameters

Identification of the X-Ray Source: A

KVP: 130 kV

Maximum X-Ray Tube Current: 25 mA

Mean X-Ray Tube Current: 25 mA

CT Dose

Mean CTDIvol: 0.08 mGy

CTDIw Phantom Type: IEC Body Dosimetry Phantom (113691, DCM)

DLP: 8.2

Dose Check Alert Details

DLP Alert Value Configured: No (R-00339, SRT)

CTDIvol Alert Value Configured: Yes (R-0038D, SRT)

CTDIvol Alert Value: 1000 mGy

Dose Check Notification Details

DLP Notification Value Configured: No (R-00339, SRT)

CTDIvol Notification Value Configured: No (R-00339, SRT)

X-Ray Modulation Type: OFF

Comment: Internal technical scan parameters: Organ Characteristic = "Abdomen", Body Size = "Adult", Body Region = "Body", X-ray Modulation Type = "OFF"

Device Role in Procedure: Irradiating Device (113859, DCM)

Properties: Device Name: = "Biograph16_Horizon 4R"
Properties: Device Manufacturer: = "SIEMENS"
Properties: Device Serial Number: = "153923"

CT Acquisition

Acquisition Protocol: CT WB

Target Region: Abdomen (T-D4000, SRT)

CT Acquisition Type: Spiral Acquisition (P5-08001, SRT)

Procedure Context: CT without contrast (P5-0808E, SRT)

Irradiation Event UID: 4.30000024032810015390400000004

CT Acquisition Parameters

Exposure Time: 27.57 s

Scanning Length: 882.1 mm

Exposed Range: 903.9 mm

Nominal Single Collimation Width: 1.2 mm

Nominal Total Collimation Width: 19.2 mm

Pitch Factor: 1 {ratio}

Number of X-Ray Sources: 1 {X-Ray sources}

CT X-Ray Source Parameters

Identification of the X-Ray Source: A

KVP: 130 kV

Maximum X-Ray Tube Current: 86 mA

Mean X-Ray Tube Current: 43 mA

Exposure Time per Rotation: 0.6 s

CT Dose

Mean CTDIvol: 2.7 mGy

CTDIw Phantom Type: IEC Body Dosimetry Phantom (113691, DCM)

DLP: 238.51

Dose Check Alert Details

DLP Alert Value Configured: No (R-00339, SRT)

CTDIvol Alert Value Configured: Yes (R-0038D, SRT)

CTDIvol Alert Value: 1000 mGy

Dose Check Notification Details

DLP Notification Value Configured: No (R-00339, SRT)

CTDIvol Notification Value Configured: No (R-00339, SRT)

X-Ray Modulation Type: XYZ_EC

Comment: Internal technical scan parameters: Organ Characteristic = "Abdomen", Body Size = "Adult", Body Region = "Body", X-ray Modulation Type = "XYZ_EC"

Device Role in Procedure: Irradiating Device (113859, DCM)

Properties: Device Name: = "Biograph16_Horizon 4R"
Properties: Device Manufacturer: = "SIEMENS"
Properties: Device Serial Number: = "153923"

Source of Dose Information: Automated Data Collection (113856, DCM)


Annex 1

Scope of Accumulation: Study (113014, DCM)

Properties: Study Instance UID: = 1.2.840.113696.376376.500.69299095.20240328070311