Version 3.3.6
- Build system fixes
- Illegible annotation text fixes
- Other minor fixes and enhancements
Version 3.3.[1,2,3,4,5]
- Fix: Reference lines in multiframe DICOM
- Fix: 3D Volume Rendering glitch in Mojave
- General bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements on Mojave compatibility (Thanks to @aglv for contributions)
- Fix: Report PDF generation
- Disable dark mode
Version 3.3.0
- Horos Cloud - Study Sharing function
- DICOM Print dependencies restored
- DICOM Print migrated to embedded 32-bit binary - Avoiding XCode 9/10 warning
- Weasis version update (Thanks to @aglv - Alessandro Volz)
- Build system updates and support for XCode 10 (Thanks to @aglv)
- Bug fixes
Version 3.2.1
- Added option to enable/disable ROI-color rotation (Preferences => Viewers => ROI color rotation)
- Persistency and fine tuning of the rotated color for ROIs
Version 3.2.0
- Horos Cloud Key Image function
- New look and feel for About splash screen
- Polygon-based region growing segmentation (Fix)
- The 4D Player frame rate is persistently saved (Thanks to @dpatriarche)
- ROI-color-rotation-UI (Thanks to @air-h-128k-il)